
Is there anything I can do before 6 weeks post-partum to help my body recover??

The answer to that question is a resounding YES!!  Even if you had a c-section, most women can complete some of the following exercises safely before the 6-week mark.  I believe that most doctors recommend that women wait until 6-weeks post-partum to start an exercise program because they are worried that some women might overdo… Continue reading Is there anything I can do before 6 weeks post-partum to help my body recover??


I’m back!!! Tales from my pregnancy, delivery, recovery and return to work.

Hello!  I have returned from maternity leave and am back to work at Solstice Physical Therapy.  It is bittersweet, as I absolutely LOVED my time with my beautiful and sweet daughter, Emma, but I was also starting to get a bit stir crazy and missing work.  These 8 weeks off have really reinforced how much… Continue reading I’m back!!! Tales from my pregnancy, delivery, recovery and return to work.