physical therapy, Uncategorized

How Women’s Health physical therapy is different at Solstice PT

Women's health physical therapy is completely different at Solstice Physical Therapy. It incorporates Myofascial Release, full-body treatment and also incorporates the mental and emotional aspects that may be contributing to pain and dysfunction in the woman's body. It is completely individualized care.

physical therapy, Uncategorized

The body amazes me EVERY SINGLE DAY

The body is amazing with its resilience and capacity to heal, sometimes it just needs a helping hand. As a practitioner, the body amazes me everyday, as each person is so different in their needs and responses to treatment.

physical therapy, Uncategorized

Chronic low back pain? Have you checked your multifudi?

Chronic low back pain can be so frustrating and despite trying to avoid motions or positions that are known to increase pain, it can flare up for no reason whatsoever! ARGGGGHHHH!!!! It can put huge limitations on people's activities and therefore, on their quality of life - so not cool! If you have ever dealt… Continue reading Chronic low back pain? Have you checked your multifudi?


Don’t let anyone tell you that your pain is “all in your head.”

I am going to start this post with a warning - be prepared for a rant! Have you ever seen a doctor that did some tests and told you that everything was normal and they couldn't find anything that could be causing your symptoms, and then just left it at that? Maybe they referred you… Continue reading Don’t let anyone tell you that your pain is “all in your head.”